Performing artists getting down and finding true love in early Regency England, with nary a Duke in sight.
Buy the series here: https://tessbowery.com/shop/
Performing artists getting down and finding true love in early Regency England, with nary a Duke in sight.
Buy the series here: https://tessbowery.com/shop/
Updates! Nothing major, except that I’m now using woocommerce to send the epubs directly to your email. Things are being shuffled around a bit right now so if something’s not working, please drop me a line or a comment and let me know. (where’s the little construction guy icon from the 1990s web when I need him?)
The new webstore:
(Also note that I’m tweeting from my other pen name’s account these days – find the link in the sidebar on the right.)
I took the professional writing career thing on hiatus for a little while, but for very good reasons (I think. Too late now!) I’m back with the announcement that the academy was mad enough to admit me as a colleague “with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto,” and I’m now Dr. Bowery, PhD.
That and a full-time teaching load would be enough to buy me a cup of coffee, but hey. It’s still an achievement that I’m proud of, even if it doesn’t do much other than give my mother naches*.
And with that done, I suddenly have both time in my schedule and energy in my brain for fiction. I’ve pulled out the 1/3-finished draft of Roberta’s Folly and honest to God, I still really love it. So I’m diving back into the world of Regency England head-first, with Cecily’s love story. I’d dearly love to be able to finish it and get it out for Pride next year, but no promises at the moment.
I’m just glad to be back!
* The right and pleasure of bragging about someone else’s achievements, especially those of your children. Also see: “but Ellen’s daughter is a neurosurgeon.”
The Treading the Boards queer regency romance series is back in print! After a hiatus, the best-selling trilogy is finally back together and available for purchase.
Rite of Summer: Gay men in a disaster!triad. Sex solves a lot of things, but actually talking about problems solves more. Not a polyamorous ending.
She Whom I Love: Bisexual best friends share a very confused (yet grateful) straight man. Disaster is narrowly averted. A very polyamorous ending.*
*Shortlisted twice for the Bisexual Book Awards, 2015 – Best Romance, Best Erotic Fiction.
That Potent Alchemy: Genderqueer ballet dancer hates gender, ballet, and emotional connection. Macbeth helps. No polyamory in this one at all.
All the books are selling for $3.99 US, in both epub and mobi formats. Get them direct from me through my website, or from Barnes and Noble, Kobo, the iStore and a couple of smaller retailers. See the sidebar for the major links, or hit up the universal book links below to see the more eclectic options. The universal book links are more dynamic lists, and they’ll be adding more sellers over the next few weeks.
Rite of Summer Universal Book Link
She Whom I Love Universal Book Link
That Potent Alchemy Universal Book Link
That Potent Alchemy is available at Amazon in ebook format already, and the other two should be relisted very soon as well (see below – oh, bureaucracy and paperwork!)
Paperback versions are coming for all three romances through Amazon / Createspace – they’re having some drama over the rights release forms and proof of copyright ownership, but with any luck they’ll release the print and Kindle versions some time this week.
Roberta’s Folly (TTB book 4 – Cecily’s story) is still underway, though the writing has taken a major backseat to grad work. I’m hoping for a later 2019 release, but not making any announcements as of yet.
Thanks so much for sticking with me, and the series! It’s been a crazy couple of years, and I look forward to writing for fun again – and sharing that with all of you.
What is this, a post? Breaking radio silence?
(I have a year left before I defend my PhD and become Dr Tess, my darlings. Pray for/with me.)
Heads up and watch this space. The Treading the Boards series is heading for rerelease, with shiny new ebooks. We’re just working out the last few kinks in the files and figuring out print options. Official announcements coming soon!
This just in – Samhain is closing. They gave me my start and I’ll always be grateful for that.
In the meantime, if you’ve been putting off picking up any of my books, grab them now before they’re removed from vendors. I will be reissuing them, but it will take a couple of months to get rights and next steps all figured out. Buy links are all in the sidebar. If you’ve bought the books already, make sure you have the files saved offline somewhere. If you have trouble retrieving the files, let me know and I’ll get them to you.
(That Potent Alchemy was not published through Samhain, and will remain available.)
I have some plans in the works to make the books available again, but I can’t do anything about it until I’ve received all the rights back. For the moment, the books can be bought, and they will be available again. I’ll update you all as things progress.
Thank you for sticking with me! Every problem is an opportunity, right? We will persist. <3
The message from Samhain below the cut.
I’ve been face-first head-down in academic work lately and generally absent from the social media scene, but I had to share this with you because I’m just so, so chuffed. USA Today’s ‘Rainbow Trends’ column today has Rite of Summer listed as a must-read, alongside two of my own all-time favourites – KJ Charles and the writing team of Summer Devon & Bonnie Dee. I love my little book, my debut, my baby, and I’m over the moon right now seeing it in such august company.
Check it out here, share and discuss!
Some folks may be up on the news – for those who aren’t, the brief summary is that ARe, a big romance novel book retailer, is going out of business in rather shady ways. The full scenario is here:
And an update has been added here.
If anyone picked up copies of my books from ARe and hasn’t been able to redownload them in time, let me know, and I’ll get the files to you personally. (comment here, fill in the contact form, email me, or hit me up on social media – any of that will work!)
Because it is! for $0.99 across all platforms!
Actress Grace Owens has been trying to put her painful past behind her, but when stage
technician Isaac offers her a life of passion, she has to make the choice –
face her fears, learn to trust, or lose her chance at love forever…
Already an ARe bestseller, That Potent Alchemy is on sale for $0.99 until November 20, 2016! Grab it now at major ebook retailers:
Another fantastic review of That Potent Alchemy has gone up – I’m so thrilled that this story is resonating with readers, and every review makes me so, so proud.
“one intriguing, tender and real love story.”
“it had everything I love in a good romance – initial hesitation, slow getting to know each other which leads to moments of tenderness and true intimacy…It short, this is a wonderful historical romance done with a lot of thought and care about the details. Definitely a recommended read!”