Romance Times Review!

I’m sorry — I’m such a slacker! I post all the time over on Tumblr, but I haven’t yet found a way to make the content mirror here effectively. I will do better.

(In the mean time, you can always follow me on tumblr: or twitter: )

But yes! Things have been rocketing along over in Tess-land. She Whom I Love has gone back to my editor for the second round of edits, I have the third book in Treading the Boards puttering along, and I’m trying my hand at something New Adultish (contemporary) which may or may not see the light of day. I’m considering it a comfort zone challenge.

And speaking of my amaze-balls editor, she sent me this scan from June’s Romance Times, a 4-star review of Rite of Summer from a major industry mag. W00t!
