She Whom I Love — snippet

I am busy reworking my 2/3rds done first draft of She Whom I Love, because I actually isolated what had gone wrong from the beginning. And now I’m in love with this story again.

I also added another smut scene. Part of it is below the cut, because… because, that’s why! F/F, regency, no content warnings except smut. (For those who have read chapters of Rite of Summer, ‘Sarah’ is also ‘Sophie.’ It will all make sense later, I promise.) Unedited.

Meg tugged at the lacing of her short stays and let them fall open. The pink silk brushed away beneath Sarah’s questing hand, then the white linen beneath, exposing Meg’s breasts. They were perfection, small, round and firm, her pink nipples riding high and tight.

Sarah cupped one in her palm, rolled her hand across the fullness, and Meg gasped when Sarah’s palm smoothed over the hard pink of her nipple. Sarah bent her head and tasted it, gently, with the tip of her tongue, circling and flicking, laving and growing bolder with every whimper and gasp Meg made. Her skin was sweet, a faint trace of powder lingering against the warmth of musk.

Her nipples begged to be bitten, Meg’s hips starting to rise and fall with the press and pull of Sarah’s mouth. She ran her hands up Meg’s thighs, still braced on either side of Sarah’s knees, and tugged at the fabric enveloping her legs.

Sarah’s own body burned, her breath coming in short pants, her heart pulsing loud in her ears. Her cunt ached, empty and untouched. If Meg slid her thigh between Sarah’s, then she could find the pressure she needed so desperately.

“Come here.” Sarah cupped Meg’s bottom in her hands, rising up on her own knees to maneuver them into a better position. Meg didn’t seem to understand, until she did, pressing one leg between Sarah’s and riding high on Sarah’s own thigh. Meg’s pantalets were a ridiculous affectation, just one more place for her to pin lace. But they were split at the top, and the contrast between the rough edges of the linen and the silken heat of Meg’s skin, the divot of her inner thigh, the damp curls of hair, oh! Sarah could understand now why Meg wore them.