And we cap off the first week with an interview with Anita Cox!
Excerpt: Rite of Summer (opening scene)
Another excerpt, as we get closer to release day! This one is dedicated to Ashley E, who likes excerpts. <3 (It’s also NC-17, so let’s throw it behind a cut for propriety’s sake.)
Here there be dicks.
Blog tour day four!
Two interviews, two more chances to enter in the draw for a $20 amazon gift certificate!
A post on writing tips over at Jacey Holbrand:
And another semi-candid interview at Hearts on Fire Reviews:
Come comment, ask me questions, make me answer weird things in a public forum!
Book Tour Day Three!
Today I’m over at The Reading Addict.
There’s a guest post from me at the top about how I got into the industry, and a nice and meaty review at the bottom. (As long as each reviewer docks me points for a different thing, I’m probably doing okay.)
The Reading Addict gives Rite of Summer 4 of 5 stars! “[T]he contrast between wickedly carnal intimacies and staid bucolic pursuits in the country was deftly presented.”
“Wickedly carnal.” I like that.
Blog Tour Day Two!
Stop the first: A fun interview with Kristabel Reed of Curvy Girl Tales! Learn some more behind the scenes stories about my writing process and research, and take the chance to ask me embarrassing questions in public.
Second blog tour stop for today – a guest blog post and 4/5 star review forRite of Summer with Angela Stone!
“[A]n excellent début novel from a fantastic new author and I look forward to reading anything she puts forth in the future.”
Thank you so much, Angela!
Rite of Summer on GoodReads:
Blog tour has begun!
Join me this morning on Sharing Links and Wisdom for a Q&A! (as well as a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift certificate. Sweet!)
Excerpt — Rite of Summer
A little bit of a teaser! I have to keep the excerpts on other sites to a PG-13 level, but this website is mine, and I do what I like. (mua ha ha). This scene takes place on one of the first nights after the guests arrive for the house party. Joshua can’t sleep, his mind fixated on his crush on Stephen Ashbrook, and he goes exploring instead. He finds quite a bit more than he bargained for.
Virtual Book Tour Stops
Here’s the list of the tour stops I’ll be doing for the Rite of Summer blog tour. I’ll post reminders on various social media sites, but here’s the master list:
May 18: Sharing Links and Wisdom – review
May 19: Wickedly Wanton Tales Blog
May 19: Living a Dream, One Word at a Time – review
May 20: The Reading Addict – review
May 21: Hearts On Fire Reviews
May 21: The Blog of Author Jacey Holbrand
May 22: Anita’s Den
May 25: Archaeolibrarian – I dig good books! – review
May 26: Unabridged Andra’s – review
May 27: Booklover Sue
May 27: Cryselle’s Bookshelf – review
May 28: Prism Book Alliance
May 28: All I Want and More Books
May 29: BFD Book Blog – review
May 29: The Buttontapper
June 1: Interview at
June 2: Launch party!
Amazing news!
This has been a most excellent Friday. Along with all the pre-release work for Rite of Summer, I’ve just signed the contract with Samhain for She Whom I Love. The second book in Treading the Boards is currently scheduled for release in December, 2015.
Pre-orders are open on Amazon and Barnes&Noble!
Pre-order the Kindle edition of Rite of Summer now, at Amazon.
Or at Barnes & Noble, for the Nook reader
For only $4.50 ($5.50 on, you can have this steamy erotic romance delivered to your kindle reader or app immediately upon release on June 2nd! Be one of the first to read and review, and make your opinion count.