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I finished my edits and author’s note and such last night; now it’s off to the copy editor to catch any typos and/or TERRIBLE MISTAKES that slipped through the cracks.
My editor has been so awesome, guys. I can’t tell you how important having a good editor is to this process. (Jigsaw puzzles weren’t a thing until the 20th century. I didn’t realize that. But she did! It’s the little things that matter in the aggregate. <3 )
I have a blog tour booked for May; more details forthcoming as they get things organized at their end. There will be a giveaway going up soon as well. I have all the gifts, I just need to take some half-decent photos for the post.
Mark your social diaries now — I’ll be doing an online launch party on June 2nd, currently looking at 6 pm – 11 pm Eastern time (7-midnight Atlantic, after which I turn into an incoherent pumpkin). I’ll have links up for the chatroom closer to the day.
Heeeeeere we goooo!